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Mommy & Me at the KCC

Kiawanda Community Center 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr, Pacific City

Fiddlesticks Toys hosts a monthly meet up for families with young children to socialize, play together and find support.

Tillamook County Library Seed Swap

Tillamook County Library 1716 3rd Street Tillamook Oregon 97141

Pick up some seeds or donate some to the exchange in the Tillamook Main Library until February 28th!

Family Storytime at Bay City Library

Bay City Library 5525 B St

Bring the whole family down to the Bay City Library for a fun storytime and activity every Thursday at 10am!

QPR Gatekeeper Training-Online

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer and it is an entry level, 90 minute, suicide prevention training that helps you get comfortable with asking the hard question to someone who ... Read more

Grief Support Group

Adventist Health Tillamook 1000 Third St., Tillamook

This free, in-person support group meets the second and fourth Thursday monthly, excluding holidays. It is for adults who are struggling with difficult and unexpected emotions from shock, anger, disbelief, ... Read more

Knitting Group

North Tillamook Library 571 Laneda Ave, Manzanita, OR 97130

Join a fun group of knitters at North Tillamook Library in Manzanita on Thursdays from 4pm to 5:30pm.